I am pleased to say that Site Recovery Manager 5.8 is now available!
This was a really exciting release to be working on as there are a ton of new features, including (but not limited to):
- Integration into the vSphere Web Client
- Protect up to 5,000 VMs and concurrently recover 2,000 VMs (compared to limits of 1,000 VMs at GA of SRM 5.5) [KB 2081158]
- New integration options using vCenter Orchestrator plug-in for Site Recovery Manager enabling new capabilities including:
- Provision VMs with vCloud Automation Center and DR protect automatically with SRM
- Create SRM protection groups
- Create inventory mappings
- and more!
- Dramatically simpler IP customization at scale with subnet-level IP customization rules
- Performance improvements to storage failover operations, up to 75% faster in larger environments
- Streamlined deployment using new support for vPostgreSQL that provides optional embedded database option during SRM installation.
- Improved support for Integrated Windows Authentication when using remote Microsoft SQL Server instances as the Site Recovery Manager database
- Compatibility with vSphere Storage I/O Control
As you can see from the list of changes there has been a lot of hard work put into this release by many people!
If you are wondering SRM 5.8 supports the same set of SRAs as SRM 5.5 so no need to wait for an update from your storage vendor. Check out the drivers and tools tabs for the SRAs and the vCenter Orchestrator plugin.